The Cognition, Aging and Rehabilitation Lab

"Robots for Good": 10 questions we should start asking
March 2024

In a recent paper (Sabanovic et al, 2023), we outlined 10 questions that we (researchers, reviewers, grant agencies, policy makers, the general public) should start asking developers of socially assistive robots.
Here are a couple of pieces written about our work:
What can physical therapists do to help patients adhere to home exercises?
March 2024

Our new paper, led by Liran Kalderon (in the picture above), together with Yoav Gimmon, Azriel Kaplan and Amit Wofowitz, has the answers. Below is a link to one of the news coverages of this work:
Social robots vs. VR for cognitive training
March 2022

Listen to an interview with Prof. Shelly Levy-Tzedek on the 3 Who Know morning show [in Hebrew]
And another one on the Better Living weekend show [in Hebrew]
And check out the paper we discussed in these interviews: [LINK]

Orit Cohavi, who ran this study
Interacting with the PARO robot reduces pain perception & oxytocin levels
June 2020
Dr. Nirit Geva (pictured right) did her postdoctoral work in the lab on whether
a robotic pet can help reduce pain

The paper was published in Scientific Reports [LINK], and got covered by:
IEEE Spectrum [in English]
NPR's podcast The Loh Down on Science [in English]
Ynet [in Hebrew]
3 Who Know podcast [in Hebrew, listen to the interview here:]
Robots affect how humans behave
October 2018

Agenda radio talk show - with host Keren Neubach [in Hebrew]
Playing the "mirror game" with a robot
October 2017

Read about Shir Kashi's study in:
Healthcare Analytic News [in English]
and in the Jerusalem Post [in English]
Access the academic journal paper here:
Radio interview - Robots and physical therapy
Feb 2016, Radio Darom

[In Hebrew]
Dance with Parkinson's
April 2018

Dec 2015, German News article (SWR)
For the interview with Dr. Levy-Tzedek at the culmination of this project [in English], see: [LINK]
Robots for stroke rehabilitation:
An Interview with Dr. Ronit Feingold Polak
June 2024

In a recent paper (Feingold Polak et al, 2024), we show the clinical improvement demonstrated in stroke patients who trained with a socially assistive robot
Here is an interview with the lead author, Dr. Ronit Feingold Polak, on this work, on the 3 Who Know morning show [in Hebrew]:
Trust in Human-Robot Interactions in Rehabilitation
September 2018

in the picture - article in the Maariv newspaper [in Hebrew]
"Three who know" podcast [in Hebrew]
Playing tic-tac-toe with a robot for rehab
April 2018

Read about our project, led by Dr. Danny Eizicovitz, in collaboration with Prof. Yael Edan of Industiral Engineering and Management, and with Dr. Iris Tabak from the department of Education in:
IEEE Spectrum [in English]
TechCrunch [in English]
The Jerusalem Post [in English]
Access the academic journal paper here:
Robots in Rehab
November 2017

"Three who Know" podcast [in Hebrew]