The Cognition, Aging and Rehabilitation Lab

- Socially Assistive Robot for Stroke Rehabilitation: a Long-Term in-the-Wild Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
Feingold Polak R., Barzel O., Levy-Tzedek S. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering
(TNSRE) vol. 32, pp. 1616-1626 (2024). DOI: 10.1109/TNSRE.2024.3387320 [LINK]
Do We Really Need This Robot? Technology Requirements for Vestibular Rehabilitation: Input from Patients and Clinicians
Kalderon L., Kaplan A., Wolfovitz A., Gimmon Y.* & Levy-Tzedek S.* International Journal of Human - Computer Studies 192, 103356 (2024) (* - contributed equally) [LINK]
Robotic technology for Parkinson’s disease: Needs, attitudes and concerns of individuals with Parkinson’s disease and their family members. A Focus-Group Study
Kaplan A.*, Barkan-Slater S.*, Zlotnik Y., Levy-Tzedek S. International Journal of Human - Computer Studies 181, 103148 (2024) (* - contributed equally) [LINK]
Barriers and facilitators of vestibular rehabilitation home exercise: Perspectives of patients and physical therapists
Kalderon L., Kaplan A., Wolfovitz A., Levy-Tzedek S.* & Gimmon Y.* Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy (2024) (* - contributed equally) doi: 10.1097/NPT.0000000000000470. [LINK] [an excerpt: guidelines for dealing with barriers to practice]
Rehabilitation Robots in Israel: Threats and Opportunities
Feingold Polak R., Weiss T., Levy-Tzedek S. In: "Rehabilitation Robots for Neurorehabilitation in High, Middle and Low Income Countries: A Roadmap for Engineers and Clinicians" Eds. Michelle J. Johnson, Rochelle Mendonca. Academic Press (2024) Pages 209-222, (ISBN 9780323919319), doi:10.1016/B978-0-323-91931-9.00033-5. [LINK to abstract] [authors' version] [an excerpt: guidelines for incorporating technology into rehabilitation]
"Robots for good": Ten defining questions
Sabanovic S.*, Charisi V.*, Belpaeme T., Bethel C., Matarić M., Murphy R. and Levy-Tzedek S.* Science Robotics, (84), eadl4238. DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.adl4238(2023) (* - contributed equally) [LINK to journal's website] [authors' version]
Ethical Considerations in Child-Robot Interactions
Langer, A. Marshall P.* and Levy-Tzedek S.* Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 151, 105230 (2023) [LINK] (* - contributed equally)
Socially Assistive Robots for Parkinson's Disease: Needs, Attitudes and Specific Applications as Identified by Healthcare Professionals
Bar-On I.*, Mayo G.*, Levy-Tzedek S. Transactions on Human-Robot Interactions (THRI) 12(1), 1-25 (2023) [LINK] (* - contributed equally)
TLTD: Transfer Learning for Tabular Data
Bragilovski M., Kapri Z., Rokach L., Levy-Tzedek S. Applied Soft Computing 147, 110748 (2023) [LINK]
A novel socially assistive robotic platform for cognitive-motor exercises for individuals with Parkinson's Disease: a participatory-design study from conception to feasibility testing with end users
Raz D., Barkan-Slater S., Baum-Cohen I., Vissel G., Lahav-Raz Y., Shapiro A., Levy-Tzedek S. Frontiers in Robotics and AI 10:1267458. doi: 10.3389/frobt.2023.1267458 (2023) [LINK]
Could robots be trustworthy?
Schröder I., Müller O., Scholl, H., Levy-Tzedek S., Kellmeyer P. Ethics in Medicine 35, 221–246 (2023) [LINK]
Correlation Between Kinetic and Kinematic Measures, Clinical Tests and Subjective Self-Evaluation Questionnaires of the Affected Upper Limb in People After Stroke
Baer R., Feingold Polak R., Ostrovsky D., Kurz I., Levy-Tzedek S. Frontiers in Neuroscience 17:1264513. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2023.1264513 (2023) [LINK]
Hierarchy in algorithm-based feedback to patients working with a robotic rehabilitation system: towards user-experience optimization
Fruchter, D., Feingold Polak R., Berman S. and Levy-Tzedek S. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems (THMS) 52(5) 907-917 (2022) DOI 10.1109/THMS.2022.3170831 [LINK]
Automating provision of feedback to stroke patients with and without information on compensatory movements: a pilot study
Fruchter, D., Feingold Polak R., Berman S. and Levy-Tzedek S. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:918804. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2022.918804 (2022) [LINK]
Extended Interviews with Stroke Patients Over a Long-term Rehabilitation Using Human-Robot or Human-Computer Interactions
Koren, Y., Feingold Polak R. and Levy-Tzedek S. International Journal of Social Robotics (2022) [LINK]
Young and Old Users Prefer Immersive Virtual Reality over a Social Robot for Short-Term Cognitive Training
Cohavi O. and Levy-Tzedek S. International Journal of Human - Computer Studies 161 (2022) 102775 [LINK]
A Socially Assistive Robot for Stroke Patients: Acceptance, Needs, and Concerns of Patients and Informal Caregivers
Dembovski A., Amitai A., Levy-Tzedek S. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences 2:793233. doi: 10.3389/fresc.2021.793233 (2022) [LINK]
Interaction matters: The effect of touching the social robot PARO on pain and stress is stronger when turned ON vs. OFF
Geva N., Hermoni N., Levy-Tzedek S. Frontiers in Robotics and AI 9:926185. doi: 10.3389/frobt.2022.926185 (2022) [LINK]
The effects of an object's height and weight on force calibration and kinematics when post-stroke and healthy individuals reach and grasp
Feingold Polak R.*, Yelkin A.*, Edelman S., Shapiro A., Levy-Tzedek S. Scientific Reports 11, 20559 (2021) [LINK] [PDF]
A Robot Goes to Rehab: A Novel Gamified System for Long-Term Stroke Rehabilitation using a Socially Assistive Robot: Methodology & Usability Testing
Feingold Polak R., Barzel O., Levy-Tzedek S. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (JNER) 18:122 (2021) [LINK]
A machine-learning model for automatic detection of movement compensations in stroke patients
Kashi S., Feingold Polak R., Lerner B., Rokach L., Levy-Tzedek S. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 9(3) 1234-1247 [LINK]
Emerging Roles for Social Robots in Rehabilitation: Current Directions
Langer, A. and Levy-Tzedek S. Transactions on Human-Robot Interactions (THRI) 10 (4), 1-4 (2021) [LINK]
Formalizing and Guaranteeing* Human-Robot Interaction
Kress-Gazit H., Eder K., Hoffman G., Admoni H., Argall B., Ehlers R., Heckman C., Jansen N., Knepper R., KÅ™etínský J., Levy-Tzedek S., Li J., Murphey T., Riek L., Sadigh D. Communications of the ACM 64(9) 78-84 (2021) [Link to the Dagstuhl Seminar that planted the seed for this publication] [LINK] [PDF]
Personalized Human Robot Interaction in the Unique Context of Rehabilitation
Feingold Polak R. and Levy-Tzedek S. cAESAR 2021, held in conjunction with ACM UMAP 2021, (2021) [LINK]
Insights from a Long-Term in-the-Wild Study with Post-Stroke Patients using a Socially Assistive Robot
Feingold Polak R. and Levy-Tzedek S. HUMANOID 2021, held in conjunction with CHIRA 2021, (2021) [PDF]
Touching the social robot PARO reduces pain perception and salivary oxytocin levels
Geva N., Uzefovsky F., Levy-Tzedek S. Scientific Reports 10:9814 (2020) [LINK]
This paper is one of Scientific Reports' *Top 100 in Neuroscience* for 2020
Priming and Timing in Human-Robot interactions
Langer, A. and Levy-Tzedek S. In “Modelling human motion: from human perception to robot design” (Eds., Noceti, Sciutti &
Rea), Springer. (2020). Book Chapter. [PDF] [LINK]
A Social Robot for Rehabilitation: Expert Clinicians and Post-Stroke Patients' Evaluation Following a Long-Term Intervention
Feingold Polak R. and Levy-Tzedek S. Human-Robot Interaction, (2020) (HRI'20) [PDF] [Ronit's presentation]
Implicit task switching in Parkinson’s disease is preserved when on medication
Yaffe J.A., Zlotnik Y., Ifergane G. and Levy-Tzedek S. PLoS One, 15(1): e0227555 (2020) [LINK]
Trust in Socially Assistive Robots: Considerations for use in Rehabilitation
Langer, A. Feingold Polak R., Mueller O., Kellmeyer, P. and Levy-Tzedek S. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 104, 231-239 (2019) [LINK]
Sooner Rather Than Later: Precrastination Rather Than Procrastination
Rosenbaum D.A., Fournier L.R., Levy-Tzedek S., McBride D.M., Rosenthal R., Sauerberger K., VonderHaar R.L., Wasserman E.A., Zentall
T.R. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 28(3) 229-233 (2019) [LINK]
Novel Gamified System for Post-Stroke Upper-Limb Rehabilitation using a Social Robot: Focus Groups of Expert Clinicians
Feingold Polak R., Bistritsky A., Gozlan Y., and Levy-Tzedek S. IEEE ICVR, 1-7 (2019) [PDF]
Peer Power
Levy-Tzedek S. Moran G.S., Alon U., Sal-Man N. EMBO Reports, 19(11), e47246 (2018) [PDF]
Social Robots in Rehabilitation: A Question of Trust
Kellmeyer, P., Mueller O., Feingold Polak R., and Levy-Tzedek S. Science Robotics, 3, eaat1587 (2018) [PDF]
Differences between young and old users when interacting with a humanoid robot: a qualitative usability study
Feingold Polak R., Elishay A., Shahar Y., Stein M., Edan Y., and Levy-Tzedek S. Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 9(1): 183-192, (2018) [LINK]
Improvement in upper-limb UPDRS motor scores following fast-paced arm exercise: A pilot study
Levy-Tzedek S., Arbelle D., Forman D., Zlotnik Y. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 36(4): 535-545, (2018) [LINK]
Robotic gaming prototype for upper limb exercise: effects of age and embodiment on user preferences and movement
Eizicovits, D., Edan Y., Tabak I. & Levy-Tzedek S. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 36(2): 261-274, (2018) [LINK]
Smooth leader or sharp follower? Playing the Mirror Game with a Robot
Kashi S. & Levy-Tzedek S. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 36(2) 147-159 (2018) [LINK]
2017 and earlier​
Changes in Predictive Task Switching with Age and with Cognitive Load
Levy-Tzedek S. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 9:375 (2017) [LINK]
Motor Errors Lead to Enhanced Performance in Older Adults
Levy-Tzedek S. Scientific Reports, 7 (3270); (2017) [LINK]
Aging and Sensory Substitution in a Virtual Navigation Task
Levy-Tzedek S., Maidenbaum S., Amedi A., Lackner J. PLoS One, 11(3): e0151593 (2016) [LINK]
Other ways of seeing: from behavior to neural mechanisms in the online “visual” control of action with sensory substitution
Proulx M.J., Gwinnutt J., Dell’Erba S., Levy-Tzedek S., de Sousa A.A., & Brown D.J. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 34(1); 29–44 (2016) [LINK]
Integration and binding in rehabilitative sensory substitution: increasing resolution using a new Zooming-In approach
Buchs G., Maidenbaum S., Levy-Tzedek S., Amedi A. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 34(1); 29–44 (2016) [LINK]
Color improves ‘visual’ acuity via sound
Levy-Tzedek S., Riemer D., Amedi A. , Frontiers in Neuroscience, 8:358 (2014) [LINK] -
Blind in a virtual world: The effect of extended sensory range on the characteristics of visionless virtual navigation Maidenbaum S., Levy-Tzedek S., Chebat D.R., Namer-Furstenberg R., Amedi A. Multisensory Research, 27(5-6); 379 – 397 (2014) [PDF]
The “EyeCane”, a new Electronic Travel Aid for the blind: Technology, behavior & swift learning
Maidenbaum S., Hanassy S., Abboud S., Buchs G., Chebat D.R., Levy-Tzedek S. , Amedi A. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 32(6); 813-824 (2014) [PDF] -
EyeMusic: Introducing a “visual” colorful experience for the blind using auditory sensory substitution
Abboud S*., Hanassy S*., Levy-Tzedek S., Maidenbaum S., Amedi A. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 32(2); 247-257 * equal contribution (2014) [PDF] -
Depth-To-Audio Sensory Substitution for Navigation in Virtual Environments
Maidenbaum S., Chebat D.R., Levy-Tzedek S., Amedi A. Human Computer Interfaces (HCI) 8513, 398-406 (2014) [PDF] -
Increasing accessibility to the blind of virtual environments, using a virtual mobility aid based on the "EyeCane": feasibility study
Maidenbaum S., Levy-Tzedek S., Chebat D.R., Amedi A. PLoS ONE, 8(8): e72555 (2013) [LINK] -
Cross-sensory transfer of sensory-motor information: visuomotor learning affects performance on an audiomotor task, using sensory-substitution
Levy-Tzedek S., Novick I., Arbel R., Abboud S., Maidenbaum S., Vaadia E., Amedi A. Scientific Reports (Nature Group) 2 (949) (2012) [LINK] -
Fast, Accurate Reaching Movements with a Visual-to-Auditory Sensory Substitution Device
Levy-Tzedek S., Hanassy S., Abboud S., Maidenbaum S., Amedi A. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 30(4); 313-323 (2012) [PDF] -
The Effects of Rhythmicity and Amplitude on Transfer of Motor Learning
Ben-Tov M., Levy-Tzedek S., Karniel A. PLoS ONE 7(10): e46983 (2012) [LINK] -
Virtual 3D shape and orientation discrimination using point distance information
Maidenbaum S., Arbel R., Abboud S., Chebat D.R., Levy-Tzedek S., Amedi A. Intl Conf. Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies (2012) [PDF] -
Rhythmic movements are larger, faster but with the same frequency upon removal of visual feedback
Levy-Tzedek S., Ben Tov M. and Karniel A. J Neurophysiol. 106(5); 2120-2126 (2011) [PDF] -
Rhythmic movement in Parkinson’s disease: effects of visual feedback and medication state.
Levy-Tzedek S., Krebs H.I., Arle J.E., Shils J.L., Poizner H. Exp Brain Res. 211(2); 277-286 (2011) [PDF] -
Early switching between movement types: indication of predictive control?
Levy-Tzedek S., Ben Tov M. and Karniel A. Brain Research Bulletin 85(5); 283-288 (2011) [PDF] -
Non-monotonicity on a spatio-temporally defined cyclic task: evidence of two movement types?
Levy-Tzedek S., Krebs, H.I., Song, D., Hogan, N., Poizner, H. Exp Brain Res. 202(4); 733-746. (2010) [PDF] -
One Dimensional Turing-Like Handshake Test for Motor Intelligence
Karniel A., Avraham G., Peles B.C., Levy-Tzedek S., Nisky I. J Vis Exp. 46: p. e2492 (2010) [PDF] -
A Turing-like Handshake Test for Motor Intelligence
Karniel A., Nisky I., Avraham G., Peles B.C., Levy-Tzedek S. Eurohaptics (2010) [PDF] -
A Paradigm-Shift: Rehabilitation Robotics
Krebs, H.I., Dipietro, L., Levy-Tzedek, S., Fasoli, S., Rykman, A., Zipse, J., Fawcett, J., Stein, J., Poizner, H., Lo, A., Volpe, B., Hogan, N. IEEE EMB. 24(7); 61-70. (2008) -
Parkinson’s Disease: A Motor Control Study Using a Wrist Robot
Levy-Tzedek, S., Krebs, H.I., Shils, J.L, Apetaurova, D., Arle, J.E. Advanced Robotics. 21(10); 1201-1213. (2007) [PDF]
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